Vote for us!

Minnesota Bride Magazine is now accepting nominations for the Best Of 2017 Awards and we would be so grateful for your vote. 

If you are a former bride, have attended a Style-Architects Weddings + Events planned event and/or simply love our work, please submit a vote for Style-Architects Weddings + Events as "Best Wedding Planner" and "Top of the Tiara".

Winning a “Best Of” is one of the most coveted vendor awards and your vote would mean so much to us.  

It only takes a few minutes {promise!}, and we only need you to vote once. And, for extra credit, we'd love it if you would pass this email along to your family and friends. The deadline is March 3rd, but do yourself {and us} a favor and cross it off the to-do list today! 

Thank you for your support!

Here's how to vote...

  1. Click here to vote 
  2. Enter your information
  3. Write in "Style-Architects Weddings + Events" for the “Best Wedding Planner” + "Top of the Tiara" categories
  4. Fill in at least six categories {or your vote won't count}
  5. Click "vote now!" and you're set! {only one vote is counted per person}

Please note: Hitting the "Return/Enter" key on your keyboard before you've finished may cause your ballot to be submitted prematurely. We would advise using your cursor to navigate the ballot.

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